Thursday, 2 February 2017

Supporting the archive in 2017 – and beyond

One of the key aims of this project is to raise the profile of the archive and demonstrate how vital a resource it is for our understanding of our cultural heritage and identity.

But this project will not bring in the significant financial support that Doc needs to continue to house the archive.

In previous years, Doc has stored his archive in his home, but when his collection became too large, it moved to a space at the Burton Street Project in Sheffield. When planned building work meant that the space was no longer suitable, Doc relocated the archive to Whitby where it has been ever since.

Although the facility in Whitby is ideal, with electronic shutters plus perfect temperature and humidity for storage, because of the vast amount of material there is not much room for manoeuvre – and it comes with a high rent. Members of The Doc Rowe Collection Support Group have contributed towards the cost of housing the archive for a number of years, but this does not cover the full annual amount and Doc finds the remainder from his state pension.

You may have seen a recent JustGiving campaign to support the Doc Rowe Archive and Collection: If you’re interested in this project, and the archive itself, then we would be grateful if you would consider supporting this campaign by contributing whatever you can afford.

If you’re one of the many donors, then thank you – your support is greatly received.

We hope that this exhibition will generate further interest in Doc Rowe’s life and work, securing the archive’s future.